Nana Korolev
Even before launching the Nana Essence beauty product brand, Nana Korolev has devoted her life to healthy and vibrant living. Her long years of experience as a competitive swimmer in Russia, and her participation in a great many swimming events has granted her an acute understanding of the importance of keeping yourself healthy and energized.
The strongest impact her swimming career had on this, however, was the constant exposure to chlorinated water and the way it affected her hair, rendering it dry, split and brittle. Not many people are aware of the contrast between the swimming athlete’s well-honed body musculature and their hair and skin, which are another story altogether. Once she’d become aware that her hair needed help, Nana started researching and trying out all sorts of natural hair remedies, such as nettle, white oak and birch. Their effect on her hair was almost miraculous, and so it’s no surprize that they are now the foundation of this new line of Hair and Beauty products.